Customer feedback is where some of my principals and recipients comment my work. I like to share this because I frequently get such quotes. Here are some:
Jacob Sand Motzfeldt, cofounder of True Gum, a plastic free chewing gum manufactory in Copenhagen: „I think you have written a really good piece of journalism – perhaps the most detailed article that I have seen on the plastic-free chewing gum trend.“ (to the article im „Die Gummi-Revoluzzer“ in Lebensmittel Zeitung, 2020)
Fabian von Poser, partner of SRT-Journalistenpartnerschaft, Germany’s largest journalist’s office for travel and tourism, and partner of Touristik PR und Medien GbR: „Wonderful article that hits the head“. (to the article „Reiseblogs – den Kinderschuhen entswachsen?“ in Fachjournalist 2017)
Carsten Hennig, medienunternehmung – Insight of Corporate Communications – Driven by Visionary Publishing: „This is where value and research come together. Quite outstanding! (to the article „Mut zur Fachkompetenz“ in Fachjournalist 2/2011)
Korinna Hornschu, Porzellan- und Küchenhaus Hornschu: „Exciting, interesting, entertaining, well elaborated and informative. A great evening. Thank you very much! (on lecture „Verlixte Kommunikation“ at the UnternehmerinnenForum Nordhessen e.V. on 8.6.2010)
Dr. Hendrik Margraf, Editor-in-Chief of AHGZ: „For AHGZ, 2009 was again a year of further development of the print edition and the online offering. Your contributions, your cooperation and your commitment have also contributed to the further development of AHGZ into a quality newspaper. Thank you very much for that. We look forward to further cooperation…“ (Letter at the turn of the year 2009/10)
Mark Weinmeister, State Secretary in the State Parliament of Hesse: „… I will remember this very praiseworthy and professional journalistic way of working very well. …“ (Letter after the sale of the regional weekly newspaper for the Schwalm-Eder district in 2002)
Dr. J.-H. Schotten, Head of the Citymuseum in Fritzlar: „… In the maze of today’s flood of information and media, the HN editorial team under your leadership has always preserved a life-affirming humaneness. …“ (Letter after the sale of the regional weekly newspaper for the Schwalm-Eder district in 2002)